Lake Seminole was formed when the Corps of Engineers built a dam where the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers meet. There are also two other water sheds that feed Lake Seminole, Spring Creek and Fishpond Drain. Before the Dam was built there was a natural lake on Fishpond Drain called Rays Lake. No one seems to know who Ray is but he has a small lake named for him. This morning as part of our monthly sunrise series Becky and I photographed the sunrise at Rays Lake. Above are four images all in High Dynamic Range (HDR) using a Canon 50D.
The butterflies have really been attracted in recent days to the sunflowers that I planted in Becky's flower garden. Taken with a Canon 50D, Canon 100 mm fixed lens, f/2.8, 1/180 sec, ISO 100, custom white balance using a Lally Cap.