Friday, June 15, 2012

Short Tour of My Sister's Backyard

Becky and I spent a few days with my sister this week and she has the most amazing backyard. Here is a short tour.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

From the Top of Kennesaw Mountain

View of the Downtown Atlanta Skyline from the top of Kennesaw Mountain.  Dobbins Air Force Base is in the foreground.
View of Stone Mountain from Kennesaw Mountain.
Becky and Jane taking a break at the top of Kennesaw Mountain.

Back Yard Deer

Becky and I were visiting my sister near Lost Mountain in NW Metro Atlanta this week and we were all sitting on her porch that overlooks her beautiful back yard when this doe exited the woods and began grazing in a utility easement.  This deer, or one very similar, had visited a couple of evenings earlier and no sooner had my sister said that sometimes you see deer out there and one stepped out of the woods.  That night I had no camera, but tonight I was able to capture a few shots before she became uncomfortable and stepped back into the woods. The photos below were shot with a different camera and lens.  It surprises me the difference in color between the two cameras.