I have not posted in a while but this morning I got up to work on my sunrise project and after shooting some photos I must share a few of these wonderful images. Becky and I started this project to go the the same location every month for a year and photograph the sunrise. We choose Sealy's Landing because of the good view to the east over Lake Seminole.
This morning we got up at 6:00 am to catch the 7:11 am sunrise. When I got up I checked the temperature and knew the forecast was for 27 degrees but the temperature was 37 degrees. I thought that was odd and soon realized why, it was overcast outside and the clouds trap the heat in and keep it warmer at night. I thought our morning would be a bust but as we drove to the landing at 6:30 am I could see the deep red color coming from the east. There was a break in the clouds where the sun would rise. God provided one of his most spectacular sunrises this morning and I was blessed to be there to photograph it.